It is unlikely that there is any place where people come to pray Muslim, Christian and Jew. But there is a place in Samarkand - a mausoleum of Khoja Daniar, also called Daniel, or Daniel.
It is located on the outskirts of the settlement of Afrasiab, the north-east of Samarkand. On a high bluff hill stretched a long 5-domed building of the mausoleum, and at the foot of the hill is the river Siab. Prolixity of the building is directly connected with the tombstone, the length of which is 18 meters.
From this grave linked a lot of legends and hypotheses. Some claim that the remains were brought here by the early Christians, others tend to think that they are ordered to deliver to Samarkand famous medieval ruler Amir Temur (Tamerlane).
When Darius the Median Daniel took an important government post. Jealous of Daniel, pagan lords slandered him
before Darius
HWID that Daniel was thrown to the lions. But God saved Prophet unscathed. Having examined the case, Darius commanded detractors Daniel plunge the same penalty, and lions devoured them instantly. A bit later, Daniel received the revelation of the 70-week, which indicated the first coming of the Messiah and the base of his kingdom.
In the reign of Cyrus Daniel sat in the same court title. Not without his participation in 536, King Cyrus issued a decree to release the Jews from captivity. According to tradition the prophet Daniel showed Cyrus prediction about it in the book of the prophet Isan, who lived two hundred years before. Struck by this prophecy, the king acknowledged Jehovah's authority over them, and commanded the Jews to build a temple in his honor in Jerusalem. The king was again saved from death, which was threatened for killing the dragon, deified pagans.

In the third year of the reign of Cyrus in Babylon, Daniel honored to receive revelation about the future of the people of God and the four Gentile empires. His prophetic book consists of 14 chapters.
History points to two of the burial site of Saint Daniel - Babylon itself and the city of Susa (now Schuster). It is believed that the remains of Timur had brought Daniel, and it was his hand in Samarkand. According to legend, a horse which transported the remains stopped at this point and did not want to move on. From the impact of its hooves suddenly scored healing spring. Then Temur ordered to bury the relics of St. here. Mausoleum of Khoja DaniyaraZatem years later the tomb suddenly began to grow, reaching a length of 17 meters. In this regard, in the past his tomb periodically completed and lengthened in the early XX century. over the holy burial mausoleum was built with a chain of domes.
Many of the pilgrims who came to this sacred place for orthodox religions, the place used Zoroastrian tradition - turn in prayer to the remains of the saint and tie rags to the trees growing nearby.